In the consortium "Euroconsultants S.A. - a branch of Kazakhstan" Savvy Business sLTD for the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at a loan of IBRD No. KZ/SMEC/QCBS-10 Project "Improving the competitiveness of small and medium enter

Analysis of the state and dynamics of development of the economy of Kazakhstan for the period 2000-2018, prospects for the development of the economy of Kazakhstan for the period 2019-2050. Small and medium enterprises competitiveness Project – Providing

The development of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the priority tasks of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage of socio-economic development. Prospects for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, according to the concept of this project to achieve 50% contribution of SMEs to GDP by 2050, primarily requires a deep analysis and understanding the current state of SMEs in Kazakhstan.

Based on the official statistical data and basic indicators characterizing the state of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan for the period 200-2018, conclusions were formulated about the current trends in its development, promising areas for supporting small and medium-sized enterprises were identified.

Preparation of a national SME baseline study and development of its detailed methodology to support private sector / SME development in Kazakhstan

Conducting a national baseline survey of SMEs in at least 10 sectors of the Kazakhstan economy in which SMEs operate

Analysis of the state of the economy of Kazakhstan, including among SMEs, and the prospects for the dynamics of its development, based on information obtained during the national baseline study

Development of a Concept for the Development of SMEs in Kazakhstan in order to increase the share of SMEs in GDP to 50% by 2050 and an Action Plan for its implementation